2 weeks old!
1 month old and already so big!
3 months!
4 months and loving his first taste of baby food!
5 months old! Looking back through all these pictures, I can't believe how much he has grown!
1/2 a year old!
Some things about Grant at 7 months:
-He can sit up on his bottom totally unsupported
-He has two teeth on the bottom and the two on the top will be pushing through any day now
-He can roll over both ways-back to tummy and then tummy to back
-He has started to wave bye (he just started this in the last couple of days)
-He almost can pull himself all the way up to a sitting position from laying on his back
-He can push up on his knees into the tabletop position, and when he lays on his belly he will scoot around to when he wants to go
He loves to play peek-a-boo. If we put something over his face, he will pull it off and wait for us to say BOO and then he will laugh so hard! It is too cute!
7 months old! Sucking on his lip because those top teeth are causing him some real pain!
Hope everyone has a happy New Year!